NYS Public Entities Safety Group 497 and its Executive Committee are pleased to announce Kirkville Fire District (first image) in Kirkville, NY, who will be using their award to purchase portable scene lighting equipment, and Colden Fire District (second image), who will be using their award to purchase tactical hi-vis parkas, as the winners of the 2018 Public Entity Safety Initiative Grant.

The purpose of this grant program was to offer a $5,000 award to an active Safety Group 497 member that applied for consideration by outlining their organization’s specific equipment and/or training needs as it relates to employee safety. The recipient of this award was to be based on the cumulative factor of the effectiveness of the safety equipment/training being requested as well as the financial need of the organization.
The Executive Committee received a number of applications, all of which were very well deserving of the safety grant initiative award. Originally this grant program was created to award the $5,000 to one winner annually, however due to the number of quality applications they received the Executive Committee elected to select two $5,000 award recipients for 2018.
Thank you to the entire group of applicants to this year’s Safety Initiative Grant sponsored by the Safety Group 497 Executive Committee. The goal of Safety Group 497 is to assist all members with reducing workplace accidents and we encourage our members to seek our assistance whenever possible to help make that happen.