ESRTA Safety Group 554

Formed in 1993, Empire State Restaurant & Tavern Association Safety Group 554 was created in order to provide ESRTA members safety and accident prevention resources while also assisting them with lowering their workers' compensation insurance costs. The goal of Safety Group 554 is to provide its members a financially secure program, overall cost-effective pricing, exceptional service, and knowledgeable resources.
To find out more, visit ESRTA's website here.
Safety Group 554 is underwritten by the New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF), directed by the Safety Group 554 Executive Committee, and managed by Fleury Risk Management.
Program Availability
Empire State Restaurant & Tavern Assoc. Members including:
- Restaurants
- Taverns
- Bars
Fast Food Franchises
Donut Shops
Program Benefits
- Fully insured - financially backed by the full faith and credit of the State of NY
- Upfront policy discounts for qualified risks up to 35%
- Potential end-of-year dividends based on the group's performance
- Accident analysis and trending reports
- Claim reserve reviews
- Experience mod factor review and forecasting
- Audit review and class code verification
- Risk control and accident prevention services